The Sketch

Another trip up to the Peterborough area to continue my good month. In fact, it was already my best caching month ever, but on April 22nd there’s still at least two weekends of the month left, so why not go for a really big month. This time our target was a poshrule special called the Lutton Lambada.

On this trip, I was accompanied by Daughterus Minimus while the other one stayed with the good lady wife at home.

We made the obligatory stop on the way out to get breakfast and provisions before heading up the A421 and A1 to get to our destination, which in this case was the small village of Lutton. It’s one of those villages that isn’t really sure which county it’s in (and I suspect it has been in several different ones through the ages). It currently finds itself in Northamptonshire.

Shall We?

The series consists of 30 caches plus 4-5 extras over a fairly short course across countryside. Quite a bit of it was on roads, making the walking fairly fast. It was sufficiently fast that we were back at the car after just under 3 hours, having already found 35 caches. That’s quite a rate.

I had in my mind that we’d go and do another walking series after the Lutton Lambada, but in the eventuality, Izzy’s legs weren’t up to it. Instead we decided just to hack around in the car and clear up a load of the non-series “stragglers” that this area has dotted around its roads. We did a bunch of these before deciding fairly early in the evening to come back home again. A part of this was that Izzy had done enough, but the major part of it was that we needed dinner and I had an appointment with an aeroplane at Heathrow at some ridiculous time the following morning.

The caches we found over the course of the day were :