The Doings
I had two sections of the MKBW still to complete – Green and Indigo. By “complete”, I mean “do just enough to get the bonus”, I don’t mean “do all of them”.
The Green section of the MK Boundary Walk caching series starts at Yardley Gobion and runs over the fields to the north of Hanslope before crossing into the bottom of Salcey Forest and over to where the Magenta section starts, at Eakley. On this venture we planned to go from Yardley Gobion as far as the M1. It was a bit of a team outing after I’d heard that Dave’s Piglings were going for a gander, and eventually we ended up with a crack team comprised of myself and Ami, Rachelle off Pat&Roch, Happy_Hunter_HP20 and a couple of Piglings. They parked the Piglingmobile over by the M1 as it’s big enough to carry the entire group in one go.
The walk wasn’t especially momentous other than one moment at the third or fourth cache where HHHP20 had an unfortunate incident involving a slippery, muddy slope and some fast-flowing water. Thankfully he got out with a small helping hand from me. He had soggy feet for the rest of the day though. Fnarr! The cache wasn’t even underneath the bridge.
Apart from that, it was quite slow walking, with a lot of cake and biscuit breaks. We had to replace the bonus cache (with the CO’s permission) and the Piglingmobile was where we left it. In fact, so were all the other cars, which is generally regarded as a good thing, by most.
The caches we found from the MKBW Green section were :