Wandering Off-Piste
The very next day after the original Shenley Wood Shuffle we had a spare hour or so after work, and decided we might as well return to go and clear the remaining two caches in Shenley Wood.
First was Joshua’s Kids Cache by teamjaybro. Shown in the very deepest, darkest bit of the deep, dark wood. Our plan was to mooch along the path and dive into the wood at the nearest likely looking break in the trees. The one we picked turned out to be the right one. We wandered in and out of trees for about 20 yards and reached a nice little clearing. It was a little clearing though, so the GPS had helicopter compass syndrome. We did the cacher shuffle for a bit until we eventually decided on a tree. And Kas wandered around and thought “that doesn’t look quite right” – suspicious looking bits of tree bark. Behind which was, of course, said cache. Easy life. Sign it, bag it, gone.
Reading the Fine Print
Next on the list was Mission Impossible MK9: Shenley Wood by Kitey – See the Mission Impossible Mega Blog Special. Kas had cunningly spotted a gimme in the printed details so we loaded that into the GPS on the off chance. Ami lead the way into the trees with the GPS and found one matching the description, which we gave a good old searching. It was the right one, but it required someone to go in elbow deep to get at the goodies. Thanks to Kas, who went for a ferret and hit the jackpot.
So that is another MK estate where we have cleared all the available caches. If we keep going at this rate we’re going to have to start travelling further afield. Well, we cleared the two remaining ones that are actually really where they appear to be. It turned out there were some more, but that’s a whole different water boiling device filled with swimming creatures.