Ye Olde Survey Monuments (GC45CC) was a travelling geocache that was owned by outforthehunt. The cache moved around the country and you could be looking for a specific survey monument, pillar, surface block, rivet or bolt. Groundspeak decided in 2017 or so that this type of cache was no longer welcome in the fold, so the cache was archived, which is a shame.

Finding a YOSM was little like trigpointing (see except you could only log ones where the owner of the cache had randomly moved the YOSM cache to it.

It was moved a couple of times each month though, which was many more than I was ever going to get around to finding, especially seeing as the chosen locations were literally at all ends of the country.

At the point when the geocache was archived, I had attempted the following Survey Monuments in the series :

When it was archived the random trig pillar was in Cornwall, and as a result most statistics sites show me having found a cache in Cornwall, even though I haven’t.