Geocaching Adventures
The rest is history. Well, mainly it is geography, but you know what I mean.
20 Questions
A certain local geocaching blogger asked me if I’d like to answer a short quiz about geocaching.
Minions Part 2
Having done the top half of the Minions a couple of weeks ago I thought I better go do the rest. After my first trip to the Minions around I had 38 left to do.
Minions Part 1
My first major trip out since the COVID lockdown, with the prospect of a major caching exercise on the radar. The chosen location was over to the east of Biggleswade for the One in a Minion series of puzzles. The form here is that it’s a bit of geoart that draws a Minion.
Oceania and Asia
Trying to rediscover the mysterious mojo after a very long period of not going geocaching.
Heal the World
Doing the “Heal the World” series of puzzle geocaches at Hadstock in Essex with the Happy Hunter.
Leap Day Madness
One day every four years when geocachers go even more doo-lally than they usually are.
Aberdeenshire Mega
The annual UK Mega geocaching event was being held in Aberdeen. I know someone who lives there.
Eltisley and Caxton
Wandering around Cambridgeshire. Well, why not? Especially as I hadn’t done much caching in 2019.
Heidi Rose Bunny Hop
You’ve got more rabbit than Sainsbury’s. Why don’t you get it off your chest?…etc. Rabbit, rabbit!
Mickey’s Mystery Tour
A rodent with massive ears. Blimey! Who could resist a day of caching to draw a picture of Mickey Mouse?
A mildly disappointing lack of diminutive gardening experts, but quite a lot of plastic containers.
Weston Underwood
Oh go on then! One more day of geocaching before getting the new calendar out.