

Seville is famous for its oranges, although most of them get shipped to Dundee to be turned into marmalade, allegedly.
We didn’t see many while we were there anyway.

Silves and Carvoeiro

Silves and Carvoeiro

A day of some historical interest in the Algarve’s former capital of Silves, followed by the obligatory beach and ice creams.
Well it was a warm day.

Wotta Lotta Notta Lot

Wotta Lotta Notta Lot

Every holiday we go on results in a blog post entitled “Not a Lot Happened” or something similar. This is that one !



Tavira looked like an interesting day out and was recommended as a full day excursion by our tour company. Hmmm !
It is a pleasant little town, but there’s not an awful lot to do there.

Caves, Coves and Caches

Caves, Coves and Caches

A day of surveying the Algarve coast, firstly from a boat, and then from the tops of the cliffs.
Oh yes, it was time to do a bit of geocaching.

Caching on the Beach

Caching on the Beach

A lazy day of booking things up for later in the holiday, followed by a night out in Albufeira Town and a caching event on the beach.

The End of the World

The End of the World

A day trip out to the very south-western tip of Portugal – to Sagres and the lighthouse at the end of the world.
It’s a bit like Land’s End, only warmer.

Albufeira Marina

Albufeira Marina

A lazy day of settling into our apartment after an extremely long day with a lot of travelling the day before.
It was really very warm, so we decided to max out on the “chillin” front.

Brum Brum Brum

Brum Brum Brum

If you set off for your holiday really, really early in the morning then you get an extra day. This is an especially useful concept if you remember it beforehand, and dress accordingly.

Walkern Multis

Walkern Multis

Attempting to find at least 10 multis in a day by attempting a series of 19 in Walkern with the Happy Hunter and Rachelle off of Pat&Roch

Grafham Grabs

Grafham Grabs

A few grabs over at Grafham Water, clearing up the remains of a couple of series I’d not finished on previous trips

Cockayne Hatley

Cockayne Hatley

An afternoon of walking with Daughterus Minimus round a soon-to-be-archived series of geocaches at Cockayne Hatley.